Mentioned in this Episode ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Ask Andy a Question The easiest way is to view this page with your phone. Transcript Okay, so this week, I have two questions to answer. The first is...


Mentioned in this Episode ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Ask Andy a Question The easiest way is to view this page with your phone. Transcript I posted a repeat episode last week because I didn’t have enough...


Mentioned in this Episode Fair Licensing ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Transcript Two days ago, we experienced the Aurora Borealis here in North America—well, most people did. I forgot about it until I...


Mentioned in this Episode Alex Mowak  – InstagramEnjoy the Game Photography  ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Transcript Alex Nowak Andy: [00:00:00] Hey, how’s it going? I’m Andy Jones, and...


Mentioned in this Episode Kim Jongen  – MotherPuppers.nlMother Puppers Studio – Instagram ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Transcript 155 Pet Photographer Kim Jongen Andy: [00:00:00] Hey,...


Mentioned in this Episode Cat Race Emin Kuliyev Michael Shainblum ConvertKit – Set up a free account that lets you have a list with up to 1,000 emails. Transcript This week, I’m going to introduce you to three photographers that I think you should check out. One...